Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Resource of the Day #4

Today was a busy day but I was able to start creating the website! Its looking awesome!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

9 Questions

1. How has movies changed your life?
2. What made you want to pursue directing? 
3. How do you collaborate with others?
4. How has your values effected your movies?
5. What's your take on the impact of your movies in society?
6. How has the viewers of your movies responded to them?
7. Has your audience influenced how you direct your movies?
8. How has your life experiences effected your movies?
9. Do portray your life experiences in your movies?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Benchmark Project

Whitney and I have decided to team up on this project. We have decided to take movies from the 1900s and compare them to movies in the 2000s. We will show how these movies have changed based on the society and culture they were created in. We will also show how the have influenced the generation that watches them and the way they have changed the way we think about things.

We have begun watching movies and will be posting about them soon! We plan on making a website with different thought by using creative ways to show our findings.We will be asking our friends and family what they think of certain movies and add it to our research. Hopefully out website and thoughts about movies will influence people and how they think about what they watch on TV. Stay tuned for the link to the blog! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Resource of the Day #3

Today consisted of watching more TV and taking notes...Spreading my wings and watching some older stuff!! The Brady Bunch!!! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Resource of the Day #2

I am looking into platforms for the website we will be creating....not sure which is the best...I think I might just stick with what I know works! Blogspot! Haha

Monday, March 3, 2014

Resource of the Day #1

So since i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to write I am just going to tell you what I did today. Today, Whitney and I started our TV watching with Gossip Girl! The hit from the early 2000s! I'd say the first day was pretty successful!