Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary 4+5=6 Study Guide

Accolade: An award or privilege granted for special honor.
* Think of winning a trophy because you won the tournament.
Acerbity: A sharp bitterness.
* Think of acid and that if you ate it it would be bitter.
Attrition: The act of weakening by attack or pressure.
*Think of attacking and that after awhile it weakens you.
Bromide: An unoriginal idea or remark.
*Think of bromide as a chemical and that its unoriginal because it was discovered along time ago.
Chauvinist: A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
*Think of activist and that they over exaggerate their cause.
Chronic: Persisting for a long time.
*Think of having chronic headaches because they last a long time.
Expound: Present and explain systematically in detail.
*Think of explaining by the pound(in detail).
Factionalism: Relating or belonging to a faction (group).
*Think of coalition and that it is a group.
Immaculate: Perfectly clean and tidy.
*Think of Whitney’s immaculate room.
Imprecation: A spoken curse.
*Think of a curse should make you cautious.
Ineluctable: Can't be resisted or avoided.
*Think of delectable and you can’t resist delectable food.
Mercurial: Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes in mood or mind.
*Think of if you eat mercury it will cause a sudden change in mind because its poisonous.
Palliate: To make less severe or unpleasant.
*Think of alleviate and that should make you think of making things less painful.
Protocol: The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state.
*Think of maintaining protocol to get the job done.
Resplendent: Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
*Think of splendor and that splendorous things are bright and colorful.
Stigmatize: Described or regarded as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
*Think of dramatize and that dramatic people are disgraceful because they create drama.
Sub rosa: Happening or done in secret.
*Think of sub being underground so its done in secret like the underground railroad.
Vainglory: Excessively vain.
*Think of vain being vain.
Vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
*Think of a vest and that they are no longer trendy but people still wear them.
Volition: The faculty or power of using one's will.
*Think of volt and voltages have a lot of power.
Obsequious: Obedient
*Think of obedient because the first letters.
Beatitude: Supreme blessedness.
*Think of Matthew 5 in the bible because it talks about the beatitudes and God blesses.
Bete noire: A person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads.
*Think of betting someone and you want to beat them so you dislike them.
Bode: To predict.
*Think of I don’t know you will just have to memorize it.
Dank: Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.
*Think of the bottom of a tank that has not been cleaned and its cold and musty.
Ecumenical: Representing a number of different Christian churches; nondenominational.
Fervid: Intensely enthusiastic or passionate, to an excessive degree.
*Think of being fervid for a college degree.
Fetid: Smelling extremely unpleasant.
*Think of stinky feet.
Gargantuan: Enormous.
*Think of gigantic and gargantuan kind of sounding the same and gigantic is something that is big.
Heyday: The time of a persons greatness in success, popularity, or vigor.
*Think of when you find the needle in the hay you have reached your greatest success. 
Incubus: Something that weighs upon or oppresses someone like a nightmare.
*Think of the band incubus and that they sing songs about sad stuff and nightmares. (I think)
Infrastructure: The basic structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
*Think of structure and in infrastructure and that you need a structure to create an enterprise.
Inveigle: Persuade to do something by means of flattery or deception.
*Think of finagle and inveigle because they rhyme and finagle means to try to get something.
Kudos: Praise and honor received for an achievement.
*Think of kudos as kidos(like kids) and that they receive praise for doing things.
Lagniappe: Something given as a bonus or extra gift.
Prolix: Using or containing too many words, tediously lengthy.
*Think of 
Protégé: A person who is guided by an older wiser person.
*Think of 
Prototype: A first model of something.
*Think of
Sycophant: A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain an advantage.
*Think of to sync with someone in order to gain from them. 
Tautology: The saying of the same thing twice in different ways.
*Think of taunting someone and that makes me think of copying what someone else says; repeating the words twice.
Truckle: To submit.
*Think of tucking in your shirt and its like submitting the bottom of your shirt to your jeans. 

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