- What am I passionate about? What do I want to do?
I am passionate about many things. I like softball, television, hanging out with my friends, helping others and roller blading. For my project I will be working with Whitney and we will be taking our love of television and watching movies and seeing how they show the type of society that they were created in. We will be comparing how they change over time from us coming to our own conclusions about the movie to now where they tell us what they want us to think.
- How can I use the tools from last semester (and the Internet in general)?
Whitney and I will create either a website or a blog of some sort with different videos, post and pictures.
- What will I need to do in order to "feel the awesomeness with no regrets" by June?
I will need to stay on top of this project. Whitney and I can't procrastinate and wait until last minute to do this.
- What will impress/convince others (both in my life and in my field)?
The way we are able to present our project in a unique and amusing way while showing the creative ideas we have.
- How will I move beyond 'What If' and take this from idea --> reality?
Whitney and I will work on it each day.
- Who will be the peers, public, and experts in my personal learning network?
Our classmates will be able to give us feedback and anyone else who would like to comment to it.
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